Living June 10, 2024

Home Maintenance Checklist: Summer Edition

As summer nears, who doesn’t dream of camping trips, weekend getaways, and hammock lay-arounds? But before you book your entire summer, remember that it’s also an important time for home maintenance and repair, particularly outdoors. Whether you’re prepping your home for summer fun or enhancing its efficiency, here’s a checklist to consider while the weather is warm.

Check and service AC system

Optimize your home for cooler temperatures by having your AC system checked and serviced, which prolongs the life of your unit and prevents costly repairs. Also be sure to change the AC filter regularly — up to once a month in the summer.

Seal air escape routes

Keep cool air from escaping by sealing your windows and doors tight. Check for any gaps or cracks in your window seals and door frames. Replace weatherstripping or apply caulking as needed to improve energy efficiency and keep costs down.

Maintain your patios and fencing

Spruce up your deck, patio, and fence by sweeping away debris, cleaning and sealing surfaces, and checking for needed repairs. Mold and mildew are common here, so consider pressure washing on a lower setting before sealing to keep everything looking fresh and clean.

Prep for summer entertaining

Give your grilling surfaces a makeover by removing built-up grease and debris from the grill grates, burners, and drip pans. Next, check your propane levels to ensure you’re ready for the season. Also wipe down your outdoor furniture and lighting and replace burnt-out bulbs, so guests have a comfortable, well-lit space to relax.

Inspect your roof

The warm, dry air makes summer the perfect time for roof maintenance. Look for damaged or missing shingles, soft spots, or areas where roof flashing may need repair. While you can handle some repairs yourself — flashing issues can often be fixed with a new layer of caulk or mortar — it’s best to hire a professional if you see signs of water damage.

Fix your gutters

Cleaning your gutters may be a year-round affair, but gutter repair is a warm-weather activity. Inspect your gutters and downspouts for cracks, sags, loose fasteners, and rust spots and fix as necessary. You can seal smaller leaks with gutter sealant or a patch kit, but you’ll likely want to replace sections with more significant damage.

Give your garden some love

Weeds can flourish in hot weather and compete with your plants for moisture and nutrients. Combat this by regularly pulling weeds and applying a 2-inch layer of mulch in your planting areas. Also, remember to water wisely, preferably early in the morning or late in the evening, to minimize evaporation and ensure efficient water usage.

Tend to your pool

Your pool has been waiting all year to show off. Keep it pristine and safe for swimmers by
regularly checking and maintaining the chemical levels to prevent contaminants and pollutants. Another safety tip: ensure all safety equipment, such as pool covers and ladders, are in good condition.

Most important of all, take advantage of the sunshine for some well-deserved R&R!

DesignSelling June 3, 2024

Staging for Home Selling Success

The benefits of staging a home are well documented. Numerous studies show that staging helps sell a home faster and for a higher price. Studies also indicate that buyers decide if they’re interested within the first 30 seconds of entering a home. Not only does home staging help to remove potential red flags that can turn buyers off, it also helps them imagine living there. Homes that are professionally staged look more “move-in ready,” which makes them far more appealing to potential buyers.

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to put your house on the market and want to try your hand at staging, here are some concepts to keep in mind:

Aim for Cohesion

Make the inside match the outside. For example, if the exterior architectural style of your house is mid-century modern, the interior should be primarily outfitted with mid-century modern style furniture. Prospective buyers who like the exterior style of your home are going to expect something similar when they step inside. If the two styles don’t agree or at least complement each other, there is likely going to be an immediate disconnect for the buyer.

There is always room for flexibility. Not all your furnishings need to match, and even the primary furnishings do not need to be an exact match to the architectural style of your home. To create cohesion, you simply need to reflect the overall look-and-feel of the exterior.

Neutralize and Brighten

Every home is a personal expression of its owner. But when you become a seller, you’ll want to look for ways to make your home appeal to your target market. Keep in mind, your target market is made up of the group of people most likely to be interested in a home like yours—which is something your agent can help you determine.

A good strategy to staging your home is to “neutralize” the design of your interior. A truly neutral interior design allows people to easily imagine their own belongings in the space—and to envision how some simple changes would make it uniquely their own.

Paint over bold wall colors with something more neutral, like a light beige, warm gray, or soft brown. The old advice used to be, “paint everything white,” but often that creates too sterile of an environment, while dark colors can make a room look small, even a bit dirty. Muted tones and soft colors work best. Likewise, consider removing wallpaper if it’s a bold or busy design.

Lighting is key. Replace heavy, dark curtains with neutral-colored shear versions; this will soften the hard edges around windows while letting in lots of natural light. Turn on lamps, and if necessary, install lighting fixtures to brighten any dark spaces—especially the entry area.

Clean and De-Clutter

To further inspire buyers to imagine the space as their own, make sure every room—including closets and the garage—is clean and clutter-free. You may even want to hire professionals to give your home a thorough deep clean. Remember, the kitchen and bathrooms are by far the two most important rooms in a house when selling, so ongoing maintenance is important.

Family photos, personal memorabilia, and collectibles should be removed from the home for your safety. Closets, shelves, and other storage areas should be mostly empty. Work benches should be free of tools and projects. Clear the kitchen counters, store non-necessary cookware, and remove magnets from the refrigerator door.

The same goes for furniture. If removing a chair, a lamp, a table, or other furnishings will make a particular space look larger or more inviting, then do it.

You don’t want your home to appear cold, un-loved, or unlived-in, but you do want to remove distractions and provide prospective buyers with a blank canvas of sorts. Plus, de-cluttering your home now will make it that much easier to pack when it comes time to move.

Where to Start

If you’re concerned about the additional cost of staging, rest assured. Even a relatively small investment of time and money can reap big returns. There are even things you can do yourself for little to no cost. Contact your agent for advice on how to stage your home most effectively or for a recommendation on a professional stager. While the simple interior design techniques outlined above may seem more like common sense than marketing magic, you’d be surprised at how many homeowners routinely overlook them. And the results are clear: staging your house to make it more appealing to buyers is often all it takes to speed the sale and boost the sale price.

BuyingSelling May 29, 2024

Why Buyer Representation Should Matter So Much to Sellers

In today’s rapidly changing real estate landscape, understanding the critical role of buyer representation has never been more essential for home sellers. With the pending NAR settlement on the horizon, many sellers may not fully grasp the significant impact these changes will have on their transactions. The urgency to adapt is real, and overlooking the necessity of paying a buyer agent commission could expose sellers to unforeseen risks.

Currently, home buyers are not allowed to roll their buyer agent compensation into their loan. This means they must bring cash to the table to pay their agent (if the seller is not offering buyer agent compensation).

Unrepresented buyers should be considered more than a minor hiccup—it can lead to a cascade of complications that jeopardize the entire deal. To safeguard your investment and ensure a smooth transaction, it’s crucial to recognize the invaluable support a buyer’s agent provides.

What value does a seller receive if the buyer has professional representation? Let us list the ways:

Lender Connections: Buyer agents connect their buyers with well-vetted (and typically local) lender partners who have proven time and again that they can close a transaction, and on time.

Documentation Management: Buyer agents ensure that buyers have delivered all necessary documentation to the lender to ensure full underwriting.

Market Analysis: Buyer agents provide comparable market analysis reports (CMAs) to help buyers understand the market value of the home and support a reasonable offer price.

Contract Guidance: Buyer agents guide their clients through the purchase and sale agreement, ensuring that they understand the terms and conditions and their ability to fulfill their commitments.

Contingency Explanation: Buyer agents explain all contingencies to buyers, ensuring they understand the risks and rewards, especially when waiving contingencies.

Earnest Money Handling: Buyer agents ensure that earnest money funds are delivered to escrow on time.

Transaction Deadlines: Buyer agents ensure that their client and their lender observe and adhere to all deadlines to keep the transaction flowing smoothly and closing on time.

Inspection Access: Buyer agents provide access to home inspectors and help their buyers understand the reports. This is critical as most MLS associations require an agent to be present whenever a door is opened. If the buyer doesn’t have representation, the listing agent must give access, exposing them to inspection findings and forcing them to disclose on behalf of the seller.

Appraisal Assistance: Buyer agents give access to appraisers and typically provide reports of comparable properties to support the purchase price, ensuring the property appraises at value.

Negotiation Support: If the appraisal report comes in less than the purchase price, the buyer agent will help negotiate and collaborate with the listing agent to ensure a mutual agreement is reached by all parties.

Transaction Coordination: Most importantly, the buyer broker helps keep their client and all parties on track to ensure closing, and crucially, on time.

The value a buyer agent brings to the transaction is indispensable. Their expertise not only facilitates a smoother process but also protects all parties involved from potential pitfalls. By ensuring the buyer has professional representation, sellers can avoid significant risks and secure a successful transaction. In the evolving real estate market, investing in buyer agent compensation is a wise decision that benefits everyone involved.

Cassie Walker Johnson is a Managing Broker at Windermere Real Estate in Seattle, WA. This blog originally published on Inman News on 5/21/24.

Design May 20, 2024

What Defines Houseboat Architecture?

Waterfront living appeals to many homeowners who seek the sights and sounds that only water can provide. Maybe you dream about hearing the waves hitting the shore as you fall asleep or being mere steps away from your own boat launch. The possibilities are endless, but for the ultimate waterfront property, houseboats are made for those who truly love the water.

Though it’s possible to live on a boat, houseboats differ from traditional water-borne vessels in a few key ways. For instance, they are moored in one location and, even though some have motors, they aren’t usually easily moveable from place to place. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on non-cruising houseboats—or as they’re also known, floating homes.

Houseboats are real property

If you choose to make a houseboat your home, you can expect many of the same responsibilities of a traditional home. You’ll need access to utilities, and you may pay property taxes. Houseboats are often moored in marinas or on docks that require moorage fees and for homeowners to join homeowners association organizations. Because houseboats are often quite literally floating single-family homes, they aren’t easily relocated, so the location of the houseboat is an important factor to consider.

Houseboats are typically modest in size

Most houseboats in the Western United States are relatively small compared to traditional houses. This is because many of them started out as shanty houses in the early 20th century for boat builders and fishermen who needed places to live.

Though you can find luxurious houseboats whose size and amenities rival land-based luxury homes, most houseboat owners get around the limitations of the small footprint by building up instead of out, adding second stories and rooftop decks.

Houseboats are ideal for minimalist living

Due to their size and lack of storage, houseboats are best suited for small families, empty nesters, or single occupants. What they lack in space, they make up for in the perks of being so close to nature and the rhythms of the water. And while living on the water brings different home maintenance responsibilities than living on land, you can say goodbye to chores like mowing the grass.

Houseboats are as diverse as traditional houses

Just like homes on solid ground, houseboats are built from a wide variety of materials and can range in style from mid-century modern to cozy cottage. And while they might lack land, many houseboats have outdoor living spaces and rooftop patios that allow for further enjoyment of the natural landscapes surrounding them.

Buying May 13, 2024

Simple Steps to Saving for a Down Payment

Whether your dream home just came onto the market or you’re thinking ahead for a purchase down the road, coming up with the money for a down payment can feel daunting. Don’t fret! There are steps you can take now—both large and small—that will add up over time to help you secure the funds you need to make that offer.

Determine how much you need

First things first, set your goal. The answers to these questions will help you determine what you’ll need to budget for the down payment:

  • What do homes cost in the area you where want to live?
  • How soon are you looking to buy?
  • Do you qualify for buyer-assistance programs in your area? Where have interest rates been going (up or down) lately?

Don’t forget about closing costs when calculating how much you’ll need!

Start a high-yield savings account

It’s difficult to keep track of how much you’re saving if you’re putting all your money in the same account you pay for living expenses with. Your down payment fund deserves its own savings account.

Look for high-yield savings account options at your current bank or find a new bank that offers one. Many banks today offer a 3-5% annual yield that will compound quickly.

Eliminate unnecessary expenses

No, you don’t need to stop eating avocado toast or give up your hobbies. Even simple changes can quickly add up.

  • Go thrifting instead of buying new clothes.
  • Get your library card rather than buying new books.
  • Cancel subscriptions to publications or services you rarely use.
  • Prepare meals at home a few times a week instead of dining out.

Though cutting back can sometimes feel like an inconvenience, these adjustments are temporary and don’t have to change how you live too drastically. Even while you’re re-prioritizing your spending, you can still simultaneously save for things like travel, and all the provisional adjustments will feel worth it when you’re enjoying your new home.


Don’t dip into emergency funds

Though it can be tempting to look at your retirement account balances or emergency savings account and daydream about barbeques in your new back yard, don’t give in. The tax implications of cashing out a 401K or IRA almost always outweigh the benefits of the quick money, and many retirement accounts require paying them back relatively quickly, likely before you’ll have built equity in your home. And your emergency fund is there for just that: emergencies. Life can be unpredictable and having at least six months’ living expenses stored away offers peace of mind is priceless.


Automate your savings

If you haven’t already, arrange to have your paycheck automatically deposited into your bank account, and then designate a percentage of it to go directly into savings rather than checking. This helps ensure that you’re putting the cash away before you use it on other expenses. By depositing directly into your savings account you’re less likely to think about it when making a purchase.

Other ways to automate savings include taking advantage of programs that will round up any purchases you make from checking and put the difference directly into your savings account. Check to see if your bank offers this or look into available applications in your app store. You can also use a credit card that offers cash back on a percentage of what you spend and save those rewards in your separate savings account. Just be sure to pay the bill completely each month!

Take advantage of windfalls

If you get a raise, bonus, or inheritance, put the extra money right into your high-yield savings account and stick to the budget you had before the windfall. You won’t feel a difference in your lifestyle, but even an incremental increase will help chip away at your goal.


Ask for help

Weddings, graduations, new babies, and other major life events are great opportunities to ask for cash in lieu of gifts. Be sure to document any gifts appropriately, and as long as it is a gift and not a loan, money from family and friends can help put you in a home you’ll all be able to enjoy together soon.


Buying a home is likely to be the largest financial transaction you’ll make in your life, and saving enough for a down payment can feel overwhelming. But with some dedication and smart money choices, you could be ready sooner than you think. Good luck, and happy saving!

Living May 6, 2024

Easy Earth-Friendly Energy Fixes

There are plenty of good reasons to make your house a little greener, including saving money on energy expenses and ensuring a more livable planet for future generations. No matter what your motivation, making eco-friendly changes doesn’t have to be a daunting proposition.

The following relatively simple tips will help to not only reduce your carbon footprint to realize savings but also bring the peace of mind that comes from making smart choices for the environment.


Reduce Water Usage

For many homeowners, the highest utility expense is the water bill. We all know that taking shorter showers and only running the dishwasher when it’s full can help reduce water usage, but there are other ways to find savings.

If you are an ardent gardener, collect water in a rain barrel during the wetter months to use on plants and yards when outside temperatures go up. Installing a low-flow or dual-flush toilet (or retrofitting your existing toilets) can also reduce the amount of water that goes down the drain.

More tips on reducing water, click here.


Invest in Energy Star® Appliances

If your appliances—including your washer and dryer, refrigerator, water heater, or television—are more than ten years old, buying new ones could be all it takes to save money.

For an even bigger bang for your buck, invest in Energy Star appliances. To be certified as Energy Star, appliances must meet strict standards for energy efficiency set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The upfront cost of these products can be a little heftier than other appliances, but rebates and federal tax credits can help offset that initial expense.


Get a Smart Thermostat

Many thermostats have a scheduling feature to help manage your heating and cooling. This can be helpful if you have a consistent daily routine of when you will be home and out of the house to save energy during the hours when you’re away or asleep.

You can now find thermostats that meet the EPA’s criteria for energy efficiency. Energy Star smart thermostats are Wi-Fi-enabled and give you better control over the heating and cooling of your home. Many of these options have apps on your smartphone that give you the power to adjust from your fingertips. And over time, they can learn your preferences, including times you are away from home and when you sleep, to improve efficiency. They can also provide insight into your energy usage so you can make adjustments yourself for optimal performance.


Plant a Tree or Two

Trees not only suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere while producing the oxygen we need for fresh air, but they also provide shade for homes in the summer months, which can cut down on the time you need to run an air-conditioning unit or the AC function of your HVAC system. Plant trees on the south and west side of your home for the best results. Trees that shed their leaves in the fall can provide mulch for your yard or garden, thus reducing the amount you’ll need to water them in the summer and fall.


For other ideas on creating a more sustainable home to bring your energy expenses down, read 7 Tips for Sustainable Living at Home.

More April 29, 2024

Windermere and UW Welcome Italy for Olympic Re-Match in 38th Annual Windermere Cup

One of the premier rowing regattas in the world, the Windermere Cup returns to the Montlake Cut in Seattle for the 38th time on May 4, 2024. Hosted by Windermere Real Estate, the University of Washington, and the Seattle Yacht Club, the Husky men and women will battle crews from the University of Wisconsin and the Italian National team. Held annually on the first Saturday in May, the Windermere Cup is both an international sporting event and part of Seattle’s opening day of boating season celebration.


Windermere Cup 2024

This year’s international competitors were chosen to pay homage to the iconic 1936 Olympic race in Germany where the UW rowers, known as “the Boys in the Boat”, won gold and the Italian men took silver.

“With the recent release of the ‘Boys in the Boat’ movie, we thought it would be exciting to bring Italy to race in this year’s Windermere Cup and set the stage for a rematch of the 1936 Olympics when the Huskies and Italy fought it out for gold and silver respectively,” said Windermere Real Estate president, OB Jacobi. “We can’t wait for the iconic matchup between these teams and Wisconsin, and to celebrate this legacy of champions.”

The University of Washington also has strong ties to Wisconsin. Despite a long association between the two programs, Wisconsin’s men and women will be competing in the Windermere Cup for the first time. As Washington makes the shift from Pac-12 to the Big Ten, the two teams will compete in the same conference next year. Additionally, the women’s coach, Yasmin Farooq, was team captain during her time at Wisconsin and was inducted into the Wisconsin Athletics Hall of Fame in 2021 as a two-time Olympian.

“Of course, it’s my dream to have the two UWs meet up on Montlake,” Farooq said in the Seattle Times. “Yes, it’s a preview of our future together in the Big Ten, but it’s deeper than that. Wisconsin coach Vicky Opitz is a fellow Olympian. There is a lot of history between these two programs, and we can’t wait to welcome them to the Windermere Cup.”

The regatta starts at 10:15 am PST, featuring more than twenty races with athletes ages 14 – 70+ years. The Windermere Cup races will take place at 11:30 and 11:45am. Precisely at noon, a cannon blast will sound, and the Montlake Bridge will open, heralding the beginning of the Opening Day boat parade. This family-friendly day also offers a bouncy house, a build-a-boat station presented by Home Depot, food and drink vendors, and Windermere Cup apparel and commemorative items for purchase.


The Windermere Party on the Cut

This year is the sixth annual Party on the Cut at the ASUW Shellhouse, near the UW Waterfront Activities Center. This exclusive party kicks off a weekend of fun along the Montlake Cut and features live music, food vendors, a beer tent, and lawn games. Audiences will also get a sneak peek of the regatta when all the Windermere Cup crews race in the annual Twilight Sprints.

Tickets to Party on the Cut can be purchased for $35 here, with proceeds benefitting the Windermere Foundation and the Joe Rantz Rotary Youth Fund. You must be 21 or older to attend.


For more information and a schedule of events, visit and follow Windermere Cup on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Join in the fun on social media with the official hashtag of this year’s Windermere Cup: #WindermereCup2024

MoreWindermere Foundation April 22, 2024

Kicking Off the 35th Anniversary of the Windermere Foundation

This year we’re celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Windermere Foundation, the non-profit arm of Windermere Real Estate. Since 1989, agents and offices across our network have given back to the communities where Windermere operates. We’ve raised over $53 million and supported thousands of our neighbors in need throughout the Western U.S.

Last year the Windermere Foundation donated $3.7 million to 607 non-profit organizations dedicated to assisting low-income and homeless families. Donations provided emergency assistance, supported youth programs, food support, and shelter.

Our 2023 Community Impact Report outlines our efforts and is available to download and read here.

To start off 2024 on the right foot, our offices in Spokane, WA, and Lake Oswego, OR are doing their part to support low-income and homeless families in their communities through grants and fundraising events.


Helping Refugees Thrive in Spokane, WA

Five white people pose smiling with a giant check in a boardroom. The Thrive International logo is on the wall behind them.

Image Source: Windermere Spokane

In their annual grant review, Windermere Spokane considered 32 applications for their 2024 Windermere Foundation donations and were able to grant funds to 11 organizations. While they were able to support a handful of organizations they have donated to previously, they were able to add some new non-profits to their list, including Thrive International.

The stories submitted by Thrive about their temporary housing for refugees struck a chord with a group of Windermere Foundation representatives who come from seven Spokane-area Windermere offices. The funds will help refugee families access housing in a moment when shelter is so important. In addition to temporary housing, Thrive also offers education and empowerment programs to residents, which have helped lead so many into further housing and successful transitions as immigrants to the greater Spokane area. Read on for a story about Yuliia, a Ukrainian refugee who was assisted by Thrive.

Yuliia’s Story

Yuliia smiles in front of a lit neon sign in the shape of the Thrive International logo.

Image Source: With Permission from Thrive International and Windermere Spokane

Yuliia is from Ukraine. She unexpectedly started her journey to come to the United States in May of 2022, just three months after the Russian-Ukrainian war started. Initially, leaving her homeland was not a part of Yuliia’s plans. However, when bombs blasted in her city, she made the difficult decision to seek a secure haven for her family.

“Everything was so good. My life was good before everything happened,” said Yuliia. She was a hardworking administrative manager at a company in Ukraine. Yuliia and her husband had just bought their first home; however, their lives took an abrupt turn when their city became a danger zone, leading them to sell their car to afford flights for their journey to the United States in pursuit of refuge.

Arriving in the U.S. with little more than the clothes in their suitcases, Yuliia faced the daunting challenge of rebuilding her life from scratch. She said, “When we came here, we didn’t have anything. We didn’t have money. We didn’t have any documents. It just looked like we were starting from zero.”

Amidst linguistic and cultural barriers, Yuliia discovered Thrive Center in June, becoming one of its first residents. With the support of Thrive staff, she found not only employment but also a community where she could make connections with other Ukrainian refugees and get help with medical insurance, workshops, and educational resources. Starting as a front desk assistant at a dental clinic, Yuliia’s journey has come full circle as she now serves as the Assistant to the General Manager at Thrive Center.

Expressing gratitude for the opportunities she’s been given, Yuliia finds joy in empowering others to thrive. Yuliia’s story shows resilience and hope amidst adversity. From the once-thriving administrative manager in Ukraine to the unexpected refugee seeking safety in the United States and helping others at Thrive Center, her journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Stories like Yuliiua’s inspired the Windermere team reviewing applications to fulfill the grant with their available Windermere Foundation funds.

Emma Reeves, with the Windermere Foundation in Spokane, said, “we are excited to continue working with Thrive in the future to ensure that having a ‘home’ is a possibility for all.”


Sally Knauss Tulip Sale in Lake Oswego, OR

Four white women stand, smiling, behind a table with tulip bouquets wrapped in brown paper. They’re in rain jackets and they stand in front of the Windermere Spokane office, with the Windermere logo displayed on the wall behind them.

Image Source: Windermere Lake Oswego

The agents at the Windermere office in Lake Oswego, OR hosted their 27th annual Sally Knauss Tulip Sale in March. Named for the Realty Trust agent who started it, who has since passed away, the tulip sale culminated in an order for 8,000 tulips from Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm, which were used to create 800 bouquets.

“Rain or shine each year [our office] is happy to enable this iconic event,” said Valerie Ross, Principal Broker at Windermere-Lake Oswego

Taking shifts from 8am to 1pm on Friday, March 29, fifteen Windermere agents volunteered for the cause, which raises money for the office’s Windermere Foundation fund. Donations from the sale allow the office to support local non-profits throughout the year. This year’s sale raised $5,800 which will go to one or more of their favorite organizations, like Clackamas County Women’s Shelter, Bridge Meadows, New Avenues for Youth, and Friends of the Children.


Selling April 15, 2024

Seven Steps to Yard Sale Success

As you prepare to sell your house and move to a new one, you may be taking a fresh look at your belongings. You might be wondering how they’ll work in the new home or if you’ll need to upgrade to new ones. If you’re staging your current home and need to declutter, you are probably considering which items you can live without. A yard sale is a great way to get rid of old items, reduce what you have to move with you, and make room for the new. Here are some tips to make your yard sale a success.

Determine What to Sell

A good rule of thumb when deciding what you want to sell is, if you haven’t used it in more than a year, get rid of it. This doesn’t hold true for keepsakes and heirlooms, but if it’s not sparking joy and it’s been in storage for a year or more, add it to the “for sale” pile.

Make It a Neighborhood Event

Consider contacting your neighbors to coordinate having one large neighborhood sale on the same day. This will help attract more buyers. Have each participating household pitch in a few bucks for signage you can post around the area directing people to your sales. When the buyers have left and you’re finished packing up, bring out the grills and make it a block party!

Helpful hint: check your local laws or HOA rules to see if you need permits for a community sale or outdoor party.

Get the Whole Family Involved

If you have kids and they want to sell some of their things, have them help by putting price stickers on their items or, depending on their age, making change when people pay for their purchases. If you aren’t selling children’s items but you have young ones who still want to be involved, help them set up a lemonade stand or host a small bake sale.

Promote on Social Media

Create a Facebook event page and invite all your friends. Tweet about it and create a fun hashtag, then offer a prize to those who repost about your sale. Post a carousel of the images for sale on Instagram. Use Nextdoor or another neighborhood app to invite people you may not know in other neighborhoods. Whatever old knick-knacks you may uncover are sure to be a hit for somebody, and spreading the word of your sale beyond those who are nearby will help them find you.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

Not everyone carries cash these days. If you offer them the ability to pay via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or another peer-to-peer payment platform, you’ll make more sales. You’re also more likely to turn passers-by into buyers, especially if they are walking or on a bicycle and aren’t carrying their wallet.

Be Flexible with Prices

Decide which, if any, big-ticket items you will not haggle over, and then be willing to adjust your prices and leave room for some friendly negotiation for everything else. The idea is to get rid of things—not get rich.

Donate the Leftovers

After your sale is over, do not put the leftovers back in your house, garage, or storage. Immediately box or bag them up and drive them to your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, or other donation center. That way, there is no chance of procrastination, second guessing, or keeping things you do not need.

Design April 8, 2024

Decorating for a Stress-Free Home

Your home should be your sanctuary—a place to relax, spend time with loved ones, and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. But with many of us working from home, even partially, the lines between life and work can become blurry. And with other stressors bleeding over into personal time, home can start to feel less like a sanctuary and more like the focal point for life’s anxieties.

If you are looking to reduce stress when you’re home and turn your space back into a place of respite, a few DIY redecorating projects could do the trick.



How we light our homes (and when we turn the lights off) can have an enormous impact on our mental health. Natural light from unobstructed windows is ideal for boosting your mood during the day, but if you don’t have many windows or prefer your privacy, lamps that produce warm light can be soothing.

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to manage stress. Once the sun sets, dim the lights in your house and use blackout curtains to achieve full darkness while you sleep. Avoid lightbulbs that claim to mimic daylight unless you are using them for Seasonal Affective Disorder in the winter months.

Décor idea: Turn off overhead lighting and invest in lamps with variable or dimmable light settings.



Though some homeowners are bucking the trends for simple and opting for a “maximalist” style, clutter stresses many of us out. You can go through your house and get rid of all the items that aren’t sparking joy, or you can invest in attractive storage systems that allow you to hold onto your things while keeping them organized. At the very least, make sure you don’t have “to do” stacks or piles in the bedroom.

Décor idea: Try a flip-top bench in hallways or at the foot of your bed to hide away infrequently used items.

Cozy bedroom with made bed in the center and clean bed side tables on either side. Hanging sconces have are on with warm light, creating a stress-free space.

Example of a clean bedroom with warm lighting and a bench at the foot of the bed. Image Source: AI Generated Image for Inspiration Only

Feng Shui

The ancient art of Feng Shui has been helping people create calm inside their homes for thousands of years. Whether or not you believe that sleeping with the head of your bed on the north wall of the bedroom promotes deeper sleep, it’s hard to argue with other Feng Shui practices. One such principle is bringing nature indoors. This can be accomplished with living plants or even art featuring wilderness landscapes.

Décor idea: Select one wall in your home and devote it to photographs of living plants or natural settings.


Rounded shapes

Though clean lines and order may feel comforting to some, too many right angles can be overly stimulating. Circles and ovals, on the other hand, feel more organic and soothing. While you may not be able to round out the corners or entry ways in your home, you can add round touches with circular ottomans, oval frames for mirrors and art, and spherical elements such as a globe or orbs on a bookshelf.

Décor idea: Consider wallpaper or wall designs the include flowing, organic shapes such as wood grain or florals.



The hues and shades you use in your home can have the biggest impact on your mood. Bright colors can be energizing, and reds are great for stimulating appetites in kitchen and dining rooms. But if you are looking to bring a sense of calm to a room, muted shades of blue and green or earth tones are best. Don’t mistake “muted” for “light” though; deep ocean blues and forest greens can be soothing while still making a statement.

Décor idea: If you’re hesitant to commit to painting a whole room, experiment with calming colors by incorporating throw blankets, pillows, and artwork.