
Get helpful advice on remodeling, home maintenance, and home security, plus tips on decorating, gardening, DIY home projects, how to prevent damage to your home, and more.

Living What Goes Into Owning a Waterfront Home? A waterfront home offers surroundings unlike any other. Their prime locale and stunning views virtually guarantee a lifetime of relaxation, waterfront get-togethers, and summer nights under the stars. Waterfront homes have great potential as investment properties as well. But for all the perks waterfront homeownership offers, it comes with its own set of responsibilities, too. […]
Living Your Guide to Going Solar For homeowners looking to reduce their home’s carbon footprint, increase its sustainability, and add value to their property, going solar is an obvious choice. Understanding how solar works and how to maximize its benefits are key first steps in your journey to becoming a solar energy-producing household.
Living Managing Your Investment Property: DIY vs Hiring a Professional Owning real estate is an efficient and productive addition to your investment portfolio. For an investment property that you don’t plan to live in, whether it’s your second home or you’ve done this a few times before, you’re faced with decisions about how to best use that investment for your goals. Some investors will remodel […]
Living What Are Energy Star Appliances? What would life be like without appliances? Our reliance on our dishwashers, laundry machines, etc. makes them an integral part of our homes. They keep the house clean and ensure that the well-oiled machine that is your home life continues to run smoothly. Fortunately, Energy Star appliances are more sustainable than others and can save […]
Living How to Fix Your Toilet A homeowner’s life is filled with mini hazards that pop up at a moment’s notice. Our appliances make life easier, but they are subject to malfunction. A broken toilet interrupts your day and can cause serious water damage, which emphasizes the importance of timely repairs. The following tips to fix your toilet will help you […]
Living 7 Tips for Cleaning Your Appliances Your appliances help your home run like a well-oiled machine. But without the proper cleaning and maintenance, they can make your life more complicated. When thinking about the most helpful cleaning tips around the house, we often center our efforts on open, high-foot-traffic areas. However, spending some time cleaning your appliances will have your home […]
Living What’s a Home Warranty and Why Do You Need One? To be a homeowner is to understand that things can change at a moment’s notice. It’s only a matter of time before the systems in your home break and your appliances are on the fritz. But this inevitable truth isn’t meant to be all doom and gloom. Fortunately, you can protect yourself against these events […]
Living Pros and Cons of Living in a Penthouse Penthouses take the luxury lifestyle to new heights; they boast the best views in the city, offer unparalleled exclusivity, and often include outdoor spaces not typically found in other units throughout the same building. These perks, however, come at a cost. For those considering renting or purchasing a penthouse, the following information will help to […]
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Living 7 Tips for Sustainable Living at Home There’s always room for improvement in a household’s quest to go green. From how you use your appliances to the way you consume and dispose of food, every lifestyle choice you make at home presents an opportunity to be more eco-friendly. Adopting more sustainable practices has obvious environmental benefits and helps to improve quality of […]
Living Home Security and Safety for the Holidays The holiday season can bring joy and peace, but it can also bring package thieves and burglary. Stay safe this winter by taking a few precautions with your home security. From old-school security tricks to new digital home monitoring tools, there are many options when it comes to keeping our homes safe and preserving that sensibility.
Living Preparing Your Garage for an Electric Vehicle Electric cars help lower emissions and fuel costs, improve fuel economy, and bolster energy security. And considering the volatility of gas prices—and their general skyward trajectory—electric fuel shows promise as an economic alternative. But switching to an electric vehicle entails more than new driving habits and a conversation piece with strangers. It’s also a lifestyle update.
Living The Benefits of Adding a Catio to Your Home Cat owners are often faced with many considerations as they fill their homes with toys and cat trees to appease the kings and queens of the household. One such consideration is how to best use the space. Adding a catio to your home will help keep your cat entertained and safe and can be easily […]
Living Simple Garage Makeover Ideas For some homeowners, the garage is the focal point of their home. For others, it is simply a storage space or a place to park their vehicle. Regardless of how you use your garage, these simple garage makeover ideas can help keep you organized, boost your curb appeal, and increase your home’s value. Simple Garage […]
Living 13 Appliance Tips & Hacks for Household Chores Modern home appliances make our lives so much easier: They tackle dreaded household chores, saving us time and effort. There are lots of ways to use them, however, that you may not have thought of before. From cleaning your ceiling fixtures in the dishwasher to vacuuming your pet, here are 13 little-known tricks for getting more than your money’s worth from your appliances.
Living 5 Pet-Friendly House Cleaning Tips Pets make a house a home. But as much as you love your furry friends, they do add a few entries to your list of chores. Keeping your home clean requires a bit of extra work, and some methods of upkeep are more pet-friendly than others. The following tips will help you keep your house […]
Living How to Handle Asbestos in Your Home Throughout the mid twentieth century, asbestos was commonly used throughout the homebuilding process. It was typically used as insulation, but would also pop up in vinyl flooring, cement siding, walls, pipes—you name it. After it was discovered that inhaling asbestos fibers has serious health effects, its domestic production slowed, and legislation was put forth to […]
Living Windermere Living: Closet Curation This article originally appeared in the Summer/Fall 2022 issue of Windermere Living By Amanda Zurita | Photography by Victoria Kovios Closet Curation Turn your wardrobe into your personal boutique with these professional “editing” tips. Iris Miyasaki was born an organizer. Growing up in Hawaii in a Japanese American family, minimalism was part of her life. […]
Living Decorating with House Plants to Match Your Décor Style Interior design solutions come in all shapes and sizes. After all your furniture items, art, and other physical items are all in their right place, decorating with house plants can provide the perfect final touch. The best plants for your home are the ones that will thrive in your local climate while complementing your existing […]
Living 9 Summer DIY Projects When home-project lists pile up, it can leave some homeowners feeling overwhelmed by their to-dos. One helpful strategy is to prioritize your projects by season. The following list of simple and cost-effective summer projects will help make the most of your summer at home while preparing for the seasons ahead. 9 Summer DIY Projects 1. […]
Living Lead Paint: Tips for Testing and Removal In the past, lead paint was commonly used to paint homes. Its durability and resistance to moisture were its greatest assets, but it was only a matter of time until health officials discovered its poisonous properties, and in 1978 it was officially banned. Lead paint causes a variety of health issues and is especially harmful […]