
Get helpful advice on remodeling, home maintenance, and home security, plus tips on decorating, gardening, DIY home projects, how to prevent damage to your home, and more.

Living Home Maintenance Checklist: Summer Edition As summer nears, who doesn’t dream of camping trips, weekend getaways, and hammock lay-arounds? But before you book your entire summer, remember that it’s also an important time for home maintenance and repair, particularly outdoors. Whether you’re prepping your home for summer fun or enhancing its efficiency, here’s a checklist to consider while the weather […]
Living Easy Earth-Friendly Energy Fixes There are plenty of good reasons to make your house a little greener, including saving money on energy expenses and ensuring a more livable planet for future generations. No matter what your motivation, making eco-friendly changes doesn’t have to be a daunting proposition. The following relatively simple tips will help to not only reduce your […]
Living Hosting on a Budget There’s nothing better than spending time with family and friends. When we’re sharing memories—or making new ones—we feel close to our loved ones and reaffirm our bonds to each other. If you’re the one hosting a get together though, the expenses of feeding and entertaining everyone can quickly add up. Whether you’re inviting family over […]
Living Toolbox Essentials for Homeowners For all its perks—stability, tax breaks, building equity—being a homeowner comes with the responsibility of maintaining your home and the occasional repair. Some jobs require a professional, but if you are willing to take on minor repairs or DIY projects, you’ll need the right tools. Whether you’re starting a toolbox from scratch or looking to […]
Living Simple Ways to Conserve Energy at Home Whether you want to use less energy to reduce your carbon footprint or your monthly costs, there are plenty of easy ways to conserve the electricity and natural gas you’re using in your home. Energy conservation can be as simple as closing your curtains, changing a light bulb, turning down your thermostat, or closing the […]
Living How to Stay Safe at Home During a Power Outage A stormy night with the lights out can complicate things at home. But with the right preparation, you and your household can switch gears quickly and ride out the blackout period, however long it may last. Power outages can happen unexpectedly, so taking the necessary steps to have a plan in place should be a […]
Living 5 Ways to Save and Reuse Water at Home Think of all the ways you use water at home. Whether it’s meal preparation, laundry, or doing the dishes, we use a lot of H2O. In fact, the average U.S. household uses more than 300 gallons of water per day, with a majority of the water usage coming from three primary sources: the toilet, the […]
Living Here’s Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist The leaves changing color is a sign that you may have some fall home maintenance tasks to tackle. With summer in the rearview and colder temperatures ahead, being proactive now will keep your home in pristine condition throughout the autumn days and nights. We’ve compiled a list of several tasks to tackle around your home […]
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Living 5 Tips for a Tidy Home Maintaining a tidy home not only helps it to look its best, but it also makes for a more peaceful and organized living environment. Regardless of the size of your home, these tips will help you achieve and maintain a consistently tidy and inviting living space that you, your household, and your guests will enjoy. […]
Living How to Design Small Spaces at Home The truth is, the average size of apartments in the U.S. is shrinking, and studio and one-bedroom apartments are becoming more prevalent ( This means knowing how to design for small spaces has never been more important. Whether you’re not quite ready to purchase a home or you’re looking to downsize, the creative possibilities are […]
Living Wildfire Preparation and Evacuation Tips The following tips are meant to inform your household’s wildfire evacuation protocol, whatever your evacuation timeline may be.
Living 5 Tips to Organize Your Closet An untidy closet can clutter your mind. Organize your closet section by section and you’ll improve your morning routine, get rid of extra belongings, and clean up your home in the process. Before you begin your closet purge, it helps to visualize how you want it to look. Your closet’s size and dimensions will determine […]
Living 6 Home Cleaning Tips to Eliminate Household Odors A home that smells fresh feels fresh. But as all homeowners know, even after spending hours cleaning your home top to bottom, musty and unclean smells somehow find a way to hang around. We’ll take a look at some of the most common household odors and offer home cleaning tips to eliminate them room by […]
Living Tips for Home Pest Control and Prevention Any evidence of a pest infestation is a bad omen for homeowners. The last thing you want on your mind is the thought that critters could be crawling through your home, wreaking havoc as they go. Being proactive about home pest control can help you prevent an infiltration, and knowing what to do at the […]
Living 6 Natural Cleaning Solutions for Your Home The last thing you want to do when cleaning your home is spread chemicals around; your house won’t be as clean, and it can pose risks for the health of your household. Organic home cleaning products reduce this risk by relying on natural ingredients that can often deliver a deeper cleanse. You can find cleaning […]
Living How to Create a Balcony Garden Gardens come in all shapes and sizes. For those who don’t have a flourishing backyard with acres of greenery, you’ve got to make do with the space you have to satisfy your inner green thumb. Creating a balcony garden can bring life to your terrace and give you some healthy options to add into your […]
Living What Goes Into Owning a Waterfront Home? A waterfront home offers surroundings unlike any other. Their prime locale and stunning views virtually guarantee a lifetime of relaxation, waterfront get-togethers, and summer nights under the stars. Waterfront homes have great potential as investment properties as well. But for all the perks waterfront homeownership offers, it comes with its own set of responsibilities, too. […]
Living Your Guide to Going Solar For homeowners looking to reduce their home’s carbon footprint, increase its sustainability, and add value to their property, going solar is an obvious choice. Understanding how solar works and how to maximize its benefits are key first steps in your journey to becoming a solar energy-producing household.
Living Managing Your Investment Property: DIY vs Hiring a Professional Owning real estate is an efficient and productive addition to your investment portfolio. For an investment property that you don’t plan to live in, whether it’s your second home or you’ve done this a few times before, you’re faced with decisions about how to best use that investment for your goals. Some investors will remodel […]
Living What Are Energy Star Appliances? What would life be like without appliances? Our reliance on our dishwashers, laundry machines, etc. makes them an integral part of our homes. They keep the house clean and ensure that the well-oiled machine that is your home life continues to run smoothly. Fortunately, Energy Star appliances are more sustainable than others and can save […]