
Learn more about the home selling process from list to closing, including how to get your home ready to sell, how much your home is worth, and more.

Selling Selling Your Home in a Balanced Market Your local market conditions dictate the real estate climate around you. Where things are on the buyer’s/seller’s market spectrum will impact how you and your Windermere real estate agent approach selling your home. As a part of this process, it’s important to understand the different types of markets and how their conditions play into accurately […]
Selling Deciding to Sell Your Home Deciding when to sell your home can depend on a variety of factors. Perhaps your local market conditions are favorable to sellers, or you’ve recently changed jobs, or your family is growing and you need to upsize. Whatever the case may be, making the decision to sell your home is the first step in your […]
Selling Simple Tips to Make Your Move Easier On average, American’s move every five to seven years, so it is likely at some point in your future you will experience another moving day. While moving can be challenging, there are resources to make it easier.
Selling Staying Safe When Selling Your Home Staying organized while uprooting your life and moving from one home to another can feel impossible. There’s also the pressure to keep your home clean and tidy for showings to prospective buyers, but your personal safety is an important consideration as well.
Buying What is the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)? In the process of buying or selling a home, you’ll frequently come across the term “MLS.” The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a group of regional databases of homes for sale accessible only to real estate agents and brokers. Their ability to access the MLS makes it easier for buyers to find the right home […]
Buying Real Estate Terminology: Contingent, Pending, Under Contract, and More Different real estate transactions have different conditions based on the status of the listing. The following information is meant to clarify some common real estate terms that describe a home for sale and its position in the closing process. For sellers, understanding this terminology will inform your conversations with your agent when it comes time […]
Buying The Importance of Working with an Experienced Equestrian Real Estate Agent Equestrian properties are not your typical residential homes. The land serves a purpose beyond addressing the homeowner’s needs, and everything on the premises revolves around making sure the horses are at their best. And horses are not your average domestic pets. Tending to them is a full-time job that consists of constant hard work. When […]
Selling Remodeling Projects to Avoid When Selling Your Home It’s common for homeowners to feel compelled to remodel their homes before they sell. Renovating the spaces in your home can increase its value and help you compete with comparable listings in your area. However, some remodeling projects are more beneficial than others as you prepare to sell your home. Always talk to your agent […]
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Selling How to Price Your Home for Sale It’s natural for sellers to want to get every step of the selling process right, but a successful home sale depends on an accurate listing price. Your agent will work closely with you to set the price, but in the meantime, you can use the following information to better understand what goes into this process. […]
Selling 7 Tips for Staging Your Home Yourself Nowadays, home staging is an integral part of the home selling process. The impact of home staging is crystal clear, but how you go about it deserves some consideration. Many homeowners will hire a home staging professional, trusting their expertise to make their home as appealing as possible to buyers. However, if hiring a professional […]
Selling Moving Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Moving Process Once you and your agent work through the process of selling your home, there comes a point when it’s time to switch gears and get ready to move. It can be difficult to juggle the various steps of the moving process, especially if you’re Buying and Selling a Home at the Same Time. Using a […]
Selling Understanding the Value of Your Home: Market Value vs. Assessed Value and More The math of a home sale is relatively straightforward. Sellers list their home at a certain price, a buyer makes an offer, and eventually the two parties reach a final, agreed-upon price. However, between these two points in the selling process, there are several other figures that go into to setting a home’s value that […]
Selling High ROI Remodeling Projects to Increase Home Value This blog post contains excerpts of the “Remodeling 2022 Cost vs. Value Report” ( As you prepare to sell your home, one of the major considerations you may face is whether to remodel, and if so, how to allocate your remodeling budget. Remodeling can help differentiate your home from competing listings in your area, but […]
Selling Preparing to Sell Your Home: A Complete Checklist Getting your home ready to sell can feel like a circus act. Without the right organization, juggling the countless moving parts involved in this stage of the selling process can take its toll. This is the perfect opportunity to create a checklist to keep yourself on track and within your budget. The following information will […]
Selling Should You Refinance or Sell Your Home? Homeowners can often reach a financial fork in the road when they must decide to either refinance their existing mortgage or sell their home. Each route has its respective advantages depending on your financial health, the mortgage rate market, and the future needs of your household. Refinancing vs. Selling When working to ease the financial […]
Selling What Happens When a Buyer Backs Out of a Real Estate Transaction? Yes, the dream scenario for selling a home is that the entire process goes off without a hitch. But the reality is that sometimes there will be bumps in the road, and the best thing you can do is work closely with your agent to be prepared for them. One such obstacle is when a […]
Selling Selling Your Home: Capital Gains Tax When you sell your home, you stand to receive an influx of cash. Though there are several costs associated with a home sale, you can likely still bank on the fact that you’ll be depositing a lump sum in the near future. But before you start planning how you’ll use the money or start looking […]
Selling Landscaping Tips That Can Increase Your Home’s Value When you own a home, there’s a natural desire to invest in landscaping projects that help beautify your yard. But for those who are preparing to sell, the emphasis should be on specific projects that boost your home’s curb appeal and add to its value. The following landscaping tips can help you position your home […]
Selling How to Prepare for an Open House To successfully sell your home, you need to attract buyers. This is why open houses are an integral part of the selling process: they allow buyers to experience the property for themselves and envision what life will look like in their new home. To prepare for an open house, you’ll need to work closely with […]
Selling Common Real Estate Contingencies Contingencies help to spell out the specifics of a real estate transaction by dictating what must happen so the contract becomes legally binding. If certain conditions aren’t met, the applicable contingency gives the buyer and the seller the right to back out of the contract per their agreed-upon terms. When selling your home, a buyer […]