Pledge to Clients
I will work hard for you if you are loyal to me. I get the job done. I am very willing to answer questions for you and if I do not know the answer, I can certainly find the answer for you or direct you to someone who could answer the question. I am a full time agent. I enjoy meeting and working with new clients.
Professional Experience & Education
I have been in the Real Estate business since 1985 and I am a million dollar producer. I attended all 12 years in the Prescott School District and graduated from Prescott High School. I then attended WSU the year the college changed to the University/ WSC to WSU. I have continual continuing education to better the professionalism of my Real Estate Career.
Personal Info
I have three wonderful children, three wonderful step-children, five grand children and five step-grand children and now a set of twin great granddaughters. All very loving, talented and caring individuals. I am blessed.
Outside Interests
I have been involved with many community organizations: Room mother 12+ years, Jr. Great Books Teacher, Cub Scout Den Mother, Jr. Club of Wall Walla for 9 years. Past President of Jr. Club of Walla Walla, Past President of the Walla Walla Republican Women, Co-Chair of the United Way, School Levies PTA board member, Big Blue Booster basketball program chairman, Housewives Bowling League, Thursday night Mixed Couple League secretary, Past President of WWCC Women's Golf Board and Ladies board, Volunteer for Heart Fund, Cancer Fund, Red Cross, Cost Clerk for Birds Eye Frozen Foods, WWCC Foundation board member for 9 years. Past PEO President of Chapter Ad. Current Vice-President of the Walla Walla Country Club Women's Board. I love to golf, ski, outdoors, cook, wallpaper, play bridge, pinochle and other card games.