Kelly Stratton,  in Hailey, Windermere

Kelly Stratton


Sun Valley - Hailey

Windermere Real Estate/SV, LLC
100 N. Main St

Hailey, ID 83333

About Kelly

Growing up in another destination location, Santa Cruz, California I understand this area’s appeal. Living by the ocean we used to joke and say, "we live, where you vacation.” Here in the Wood River Valley I can say it still. While playing baseball at the University of Utah, the mountains around Salt Lake City were an  incredible substitute for the ocean. I was able to enjoy all that mountain living has to offer as well as the seasons that come with it. After enjoying all the outdoors had to offer during college so much, I moved to the Lake Tahoe area for a winter as well. After living in Colorado for 4 years my wife and I wanted a more immersive experience for our kids and family as a whole. A place where we felt we could really take advantage of all the things that surrounded us, and have it just outside our door. Enter the Wood River Valley. My wife has been coming here since she was a child. We vacationed here a bit when we were dating but never thought we could actually live here full time. Working in the tech industry over the last 20 years, the last 3 or 4 changed significantly. Working Remote! Once the both of us had the ability to work wherever we wanted, moving to the valley was an opportunity we could not pass up. So in 2021 we did it and we haven’t regretted it one day. We and our two children have thoroughly enjoyed all this area has to offer - the skiing, hiking, fishing and even the outdoor curriculums our children's schools include.

Working with Windermere is what inspired me to become an agent. They are passionate about this area just like you are. Welcoming people to the valley and sharing all that it has to offer, will inspire you to “live where you vacation” that is, if you don’t already. --If you already live here I want to be a part of your next step, no matter where that is. If you are looking to move here, let me help you learn all the wonderful opportunities and resources here - and find the perfect property.