
Get helpful advice on remodeling, home maintenance, and home security, plus tips on decorating, gardening, DIY home projects, how to prevent damage to your home, and more.

Living Tips For Emergency Preparedness Over the last few weeks, we have been sharing valuable information about preventative home maintenance and preparing your home for winter storms. The start of the New Year is a great time to take stock of your emergency kit. It’s a good idea to do this every year in order to replenish and adjust the contents to your families changing needs.
Living Springtime Gardening Tips by Region This time of year, there is much to be done in the garden. Whether you tend to a few veggie plants, have a sprawling urban farm, or tend to a flourishing, flowering sanctuary, spring is a critical time of the year to focus on the health of your garden to keep it fertile heading into […]
Living A Quick Guide to Urban Farming Urban farming can be a fun way to produce your own nutritious and sustainable food supply for your household while learning about self-sufficiency and gardening. Though urban farming likely won’t replace your household’s entire food intake, it is an environmentally friendly complement that can help lower your reliance upon commercial grocery stores over time. A […]
Living How to Prevent and Deal with Mold Contrary to what some people think, mold is not a geographic problem—it can occur anywhere, no matter where you live. Here is some basic information about mold and how to deal with it.
Living How to Find the Right Lighting for Your Home The right lighting can give your home the quality and mood you’re looking to achieve. Knowing about the different temperatures of light, lighting types, and how to blend lighting elements will help you narrow down your choices and find the best fixtures for your home. How to Find the Right Lighting for Your Home Before […]
Living 5 Ways to Create a Sustainable Kitchen In many ways, the kitchen is the heart of a home. All the time spent making delicious food, sharing recipes, and enjoying meals with loved ones gives it a central role in home life. A consequence of the time spent in the kitchen is the creation of waste. But by adopting more sustainable practices in […]
Living Gas Appliances vs. Electric Appliances Appliances are broken down into two main categories: gas- and electric-powered. You may be more familiar with one or the other based on personal experience, but when it comes time to choose appliances for your home, you’ll likely be weighing a variety of factors including the conversion costs, operation costs, safety, sustainability, and more. The […]
Living Tips for Home: Extend the Life of Your Mattress All furniture has a shelf life, and your mattress is no different. Whether you sleep on a spring or memory foam mattress, the more proactive you can be about maintaining it, the better your chances of experiencing healthy, regular sleep. With a few simple tasks you can extend the life of your mattress and wake […]
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Buying Make Your Move Moving is stressful, whether it is across town or cross-country. Once you have closed on your house, the reality of packing, moving, and setting up a new home can become overwhelming. While no list can make a move “stress-free”, planning ahead and staying organized can help make your move a little smoother. Here is our list of tips:
Living The Evolution of the Home Office As the popularity of remote work has reached new heights in recent years, the needs of homeowners are changing. Home offices and workspaces have never been higher on buyers’ priority lists and sellers are finding ways to make their homes appeal to a remote working audience. So, what does this mean for the home office […]
Living How to Prepare for a Fire at Home A fire breaking out in your home is a serious potential hazard. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to identify the early signs of a fire and to prepare for an emergency. The following list will help you and your household put together your fire safety plan. How to Prepare for a Fire […]
Living How to Winterize Your Waterfront Property After the long days of summer have come and gone and fall is ending, it’s time to begin preparations for winterizing your home. When temperatures begin to dip, your lakeside cabin, seaside cottage or mountain lodge will need some extra TLC to make it through the colder months until spring comes around again. Whether your […]
Living How to Fall Proof Your Home Each object in a home serves a purpose, but for those who experience dizziness and numbness, many of them can also be a potential hazard. Taking steps to reduce the risk of falling in your home is a worthy exercise for any homeowner, especially if you have elderly family members or young children living in […]
Living 5 Tips for Swimming Pool Maintenance A swimming pool can turn a backyard into a grotto, an oasis, an at-home vacation spot. But to let the poolside good times roll, they require maintenance. Your local climate can often dictate how much you use your pool. For some homeowners, you may be swimming in your pool year-round. For others, the pool may […]
Living Windermere Living: Summer Parties Made Simple This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of Windermere Living. By Amanda Zurita Summer, especially this summer, is meant for barbecues, outdoor movie nights, garden gatherings, and rooftop cocktail affairs. Keep the focus on reconnecting with friends and family by opting for unfussy, minimalist decor and clean color palettes. It’s about time we […]
Living Preparing Your Home for Summer Heat and Wildfires Summer is the season for spending long days in the yard, taking dips in the pool, and sitting in the shade to beat the heat. In the midst of these sun-filled adventures, though, lies the potential for heat waves, smoke, and wildfires. Every homeowner should be ready for these emergencies as well as the damaging […]
Living 6 Commonly Missed Cleaning Spots It’s easy to get into a routine when cleaning your home season after season, year after year. While simply going over the same spots may make your home feel cleaner, at the same time, it allows the neglected areas to become dirtier. Here are six commonly missed spots around the home that, once given the […]
Living The Best Indoor Plants for Every Room With thousands of plant species, it can be hard to distinguish which plants are best suited for each room in your home, which greatly depends on sunlight exposure and temperature. A simple rule of thumb is to make higher maintenance plants more accessible to you. Some lower maintenance plants can go weeks without watering and […]
Living How to Rent Out Your Vacation Home this Summer A second home can be more than an escape from daily living, it can be a source of income. For those who own a vacation home, summer is full of opportunities to open your doors to renters while still enjoying the benefits of having your own personal getaway. This approach to home ownership can be […]
Living Tips for Sustainable Horse Property Management Caring for a horse property is no easy feat. This is especially true when you are committed to having an eco-friendly property as well. Making small changes in daily land management practices can have positive impacts on the environment and your animals. Here are some tips to help make your horse property more environmentally friendly. […]